available services:
Feel free to inquire about examples of any of my work. All services offered in the general NY Metropolitan area & worldwide via Skype. ↜
☽ Fashion Consulting
Work one on one with a NYC fashion model & historian! Let me revamp your closet and the way you look at fashion with items you already own or with the addition of crucial classics on a budget you create. I also will gladly style for fashion photo shoots. Did I mention I also design & sew? fee: $50/hr
✩ Personal Consulting
Build incredible confidence, sophistication, poise, individuality, power, and intoxicating charm with a working model & actress of over 20+ years experience. Forget the usual boring, common sense drivel other consultants will bore you with; this is a finishing school for real rogues & alienated intellectuals. Potent empowerment and keen advice on all life's obstacles that you will value & use for a lifetime. Freshen up your perspective & change your life! Become the star you've always reached for. fee: $25/hr
📷 Photography
Pro photographer with over 20+ years experience on both sides of the lens. Package includes photo proofs & choice pro edits (prints/extra edits available for additional fees. fee: $75/hr
▽ Photo Editor & Old Photo Restoration
Edited award winning glamour photos for model mayhem & DeviantArt users, Photoshop/Lightroom fee: $15/image
services continued..💄Makeup Artist
Hairstyling, beauty, and SPFX artistry for all occasions. Knowledgeable on historical makeup / hair styles and the unorthodox beautification rituals & methods used throughout the ages. fee: negotiable
🎭 Actress
Both screen and voice. Well versed chameleon & useful to have around on set for a vast multitude of tasks including technical tinkering & lighting. Navigate to my resume page above. fee: negotiable
۵ Artist's Model
Working model with 20+ years experience & wealth of knowledge from both the model and artist's unique perspectives. fee: negotiable
✍ Artist
Conceptual, fine, sculpture, digital, storyboard, graphic & logo design. fee: negotiable
✁ Costumer
Designer & seamstress fee: negotiable
✌ Web Design
Designing and maintaining web sites since 1996. fee: negotiable
؟ General Tech Support
PC builder, & software developer of 15+ years. Commonly done over Skype or phone for most troubleshooting jobs. fee: $30/½hr
❝ ❞ Freelance Writer & Editor
fee: negotiable